
Treatment Virginia

Scoliosis can wreak havoc with mobility and quality of life, often worsening without treatment and impacting other organs in the body, including chronic pain, decreased lung capacity, heart complications, and physical disability. Learn more about the best-suited and new scoliosis treatment for adults and children in Virginia today. Contact Scoliosis Specialists now!

No matter the severity of your spinal curve, physical therapy for scoliosis exercises tailored to each individual’s need and type of curve can help strengthen core muscles and correct their curvature. Your therapist will assess how it impacts body function before creating a personalized treatment plan consisting of physical therapy exercises tailored to each individual’s need and type of curve, bracing, and an at-home exercise program.

Get the best-suited scoliosis treatment for adults and children for your conditions. Please book your appointment with our scoliosis specialist in Virginia today!

Finding an experienced specialist is crucial when managing this condition – be sure to select one with extensive education, experience, and success treating spinal curvatures; that way, you’re receiving optimal care for your scoliosis. Book your appointment today with a Scoliosis Specialist in Virginia for long-term scoliosis pain relief.

Scoliosis Symptoms

Scoliosis symptoms may include pain in the back or neck area and arm and leg discomfort. Girls tend to be more affected than boys by this condition, and it usually begins in the early teen years; early intervention will make stopping progression easier. Knowing and understanding the symptoms of scoliosis will help you diagnose it well in time and get reliable scoliosis treatment in Virginia!

Being aware of the following symptoms is crucial for early detection and timely intervention: 

Uneven Shoulders.

  • Asymmetrical Waist.
  •  Off-Center Spine.
  • Postural Changes.
  • Muscle Imbalance.
  • Limited Range of Motion.
  • Clothing Fit Changes.

Scoliosis Diagnosis

X-rays are the keystone of diagnosing scoliosis and should be conducted on your child at regular intervals during adolescence to assess any changes to their spinal curve, particularly during periods of rapid growth spurt. If the scoliosis is causing pain or restricting activities, non-surgical scoliosis treatments to reduce its curvature and stop further progression may be recommended by your doctor.

Our scoliosis specialist in Virginia can detect scoliosis with a physical exam based on its shape and how you move, checking legs and arms for pinched nerves in your lower spine, which might be causing pinched nerves in your legs or arms. They will also take an overview of your history, perform blood tests to establish your overall health status, and suggest the best-suited scoliosis treatment in Virginia.

Scoliosis Treatment Overview

When seeking scoliosis treatment in Virginia, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive physical and spinal exam with x-rays taken as well as taking into consideration any rapid changes that occur while growing; it is therefore vitally important to see a scoliosis specialist in Virginia regularly.

Our scoliosis chiropractic expert at Scoliosis Specialists can monitor the progression of the disease and provide optimal guidance as to treatment plans and courses of action. These experts may use CT or MRI scans and regular X-rays to more accurately assess spinal structures and structures. Get the best-suited scoliosis treatment in Virginia only with Scoliosis Specialists. Book your appointment today!

Our chiropractors are trained to conduct an in-depth health history review to identify the source of scoliosis and offer the most appropriate scoliosis treatment for adults and children. Understanding why someone has developed scoliosis can be essential in creating an effective therapy strategy. Consulting a professional at Scoliosis Specialists will help you get long-term scoliosis pain relief! Contact us now!

Non-surgical Treatments for Scoliosis in Virginia

Non-operative treatments are available. Get the best-suited scoliosis treatment for adults in Virginia only at Scoliosis Specialists. Contact us today!

Our scoliosis specialist may also recommend diet and lifestyle modifications, which will assist with maintaining good posture to limit its progression. When seeking to correct scoliosis treatment for adults and children, it’s important to be surrounded by loved ones to assist in recovery from the condition. You may also go for some basic scoliosis therapies before planning to go for surgery if needed. Consulting our scoliosis chiropractic experts for non-surgical therapy is highly advisable.

If you have scoliosis, consulting a specialist may recommend exercises that strengthen core muscles to slow the curve of your spine and keep good posture for maximum protection from the progression of scoliosis. Your scoliosis doctor at Scoliosis Specialists will study your condition and come up with the best-suited scoliosis therapies and treatments choosing the right scoliosis specialist in Virginia. When selecting Scoliosis chiropractic therapy they must possess the knowledge and experience required for optimal care. They should understand all available treatment methods. You must follow the advice of our scoliosis specialist in Virginia and adhere to a rehabilitation program to ensure that curves don’t return or worsen.

For optimal scoliosis treatments for adults and children, multidisciplinary approaches often work best – Contact Scoliosis Specialists today for scoliosis pain relief.

The scoliosis specialist in Virginia you select should be board certified as it demonstrates their specialized training and expert knowledge, making them uniquely qualified to treat scoliosis. We at Scoliosis Specialists offer the best-in-class therapy for scoliosis and treatment in Virginia. Visit us now!

Location & Direction

1041 Sterling Dr, Suite 101
Herndon, VA 20170

Want to speak with a specialist?

Free Consult With a Scoliosis Specialist

We offer a free virtual or in-person consultation with one of our experts who just treats Scoliosis. We offer this consult free of charge to help those struggling with Scoliosis speak with a doctor. *By providing your phone number, you agree to receive text messages from the business only for appointment confirmations and reminders purposes


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Our certified Scoliosis Specialists have seen thousands of X-Rays and treated every type of Scoliosis. viewing these X-Rays allows us to calculate curve and estimate future progression based on patients age and type of Scoliosis.

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